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What are E.MAX crowns? ?
E.MAX is Lithium Disilicate glass, an all-ceramic system. It is one of the most aesthetically pleasing options, porcelain can be layered on it, creating incredible translucency and a very realistic looking tooth that matches with other natural teeth.
In E.MAX porcelain veneers cutting and shrinking is not done in the teeth. Thinning is done up to a maximum of 1,5 millimeters. Therefore, it is a treatment done without any harm to healthy and natural teeth.
The E.MAX veneers are completed in 2 sessions, each lasting 45 minutes.
At UFO Dental Clinic you can get professional recommendations from our doctors in order to understand what dental treatment is suitable exactly in your case.
mechanical characteristics, because of its firmness and solidity.
What is the difference between E.MAX and zirconia crowns?
Zirconia is recommended for crowns with dark teeth underneath because the opaqueness hides the shadowing. Both E.MAX and zirconia crowns could be used to fix broken or otherwise damaged teeth, severely decayed teeth, missing teeth, discolored teeth, or crooked teeth. Both materials can effectively replace old PFM crowns showing metal lines. Both materials are biocompatible with all soft and hard tissues. The biggest plus of E.MAX veneer is that it is not only limited to ceramic crowns. On the contrary, this system can also be used to manufacture veneers, interior veneers, laminate veneers, Lumineers veneers, and even short span bridges to replace the front teeth.
E.MAX Dental Crowns are more expensive than zirconium crowns. It is preferred in short bridges since it cannot provide the resistance required by long bridges. In rare cases, E.MAX crowns may break when placed on occlusal surfaces. This is because they are thin. However, E.MAX crowns are more suitable for anterior teeth, as we do not use them for hard grinding. If you want to use E.MAX veneer for the posterior teeth, your teeth need to be further cut to obtain sufficient thickness.
What is the difference between E.MAX and zirconia crowns?
Zirconia is recommended for crowns with dark teeth underneath because the opaqueness hides the shadowing. Both E.MAX and zirconia crowns could be used to fix broken or otherwise damaged teeth, severely decayed teeth, missing teeth, discolored teeth, or crooked teeth. Both materials can effectively replace old PFM crowns showing metal lines. Both materials are biocompatible with all soft and hard tissues. The biggest plus of E.MAX veneer is that it is not only limited to ceramic crowns. On the contrary, this system can also be used to manufacture veneers, interior veneers, laminate veneers, Lumineers veneers, and even short span bridges to replace the front teeth.
E.MAX Dental Crowns are more expensive than zirconium crowns. It is preferred in short bridges since it cannot provide the resistance required by long bridges. In rare cases, E.MAX crowns may break when placed on occlusal surfaces. This is because they are thin. However, E.MAX crowns are more suitable for anterior teeth, as we do not use them for hard grinding. If you want to use E.MAX veneer for the posterior teeth, your teeth need to be further cut to obtain sufficient thickness.
Is E.MAX better than Zirconia?
It’s difficult to choose between E.MAX and zirconium. Both offer top-grade results for long-lasting dental crowns. As mentioned before, E.MAX is more translucent than zirconium, and that’s the only noticeable difference between the two materials.
At UFO Dental Clinic our dentists using both zirconia and E.MAX for both anterior teeth and posterior teeth. It should come down to the patient’s bite. But if a patient has bruxism, we suggest going for zirconia. If not and if there is enough occlusion reduction, E.MAX may be the more aesthetic choice.
The first choice of patients coming to UFO Dental Clinic are E.MAX e VENEERS. There are lots of advanced technology dental centers in Tirana with specialist physicians. If you are interested in E.MAX Crowns or Zirconia Crowns please get free quote (link qe te dergon tek lenia e orareve) at our clinic. If you are not sure about the dental treatment you need you can send your dental photographs or X-ray for online consultation. We will consult with the Dental Team and get back to you with their recommendations along with the associated costs.
Once you decide to have your dental treatment in Tirana, you will have the opportunity to enjoy our capital and also the sea, the sand and the sun including your new teeth done at UFO Dental Clinic. You can get all this together with affordable prices and good quality service in Albania. You can get positive results with the treatment of specialists in a healthy and clean environment. At our clinic your E.MAX crown treatment or Zirconium Crown treatment can be completed in 5 days. So as a result, you will get straight, white and beautiful smile.
Dental veneers are a possible solution to help you achieve the look you desire. They are a popular choice for those with chipped teeth, a gap between teeth, or misshaped teeth.
Dental veneers are thin covers that adhere to teeth to give teeth a more classically shaped look. UFO Dental Clinic offer a variety of dental veneer options to choose from. Talk to your dentist about what’s best for you.
Dental Veneers
If you want to improve your smile, dental veneers are a simple option. Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front (visible) part of the tooth. They look like natural teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide range of dental issues, such as:
- teeth that are stained and can’t be whitened by bleaching
- chipped or worn teeth
- crooked or misshapen teeth
- uneven spaces or a large gap between the upper front teeth
Veneers are made of either porcelain or composite resin material. Your dentist will help you choose the material that is best for you. Each type of veneer has its own benefits.
Porcelain Veneers
A porcelain veneer is a thin shell that is custom-made to fit on the tooth.
Benefits of porcelain veneers:
- they are strong and long-lasting
- they have a natural-looking surface
- less tooth enamel needs to be removed than with a crown or cap
- they don’t stain easily
Steps to place porcelain veneers:
- To prepare the teeth, the dentist usually removes a small amount of enamel from the front and sides of the teeth. This makes room for the veneers so that your teeth look natural.
- The dentist makes an impression, or mold, of the prepared teeth. The dentist also decides on the veneer shade that will be best for your smile.
- The impression is sent to a dental lab that custom-makes the porcelain veneers to fit your teeth. This may take several days. The dentist may give you temporary veneers to wear in the meantime.
- At the next visit, the dentist places the veneers on the teeth to check the fit and shape. After any adjustments, the teeth are cleaned and the veneers are bonded to the tooth.
- Further changes may be made at a later appointment.
Composite resin veneers
A composite resin veneer is made from a tooth-colored filling material bonded to the tooth.
Benefits of composite resin veneers:
- usually less tooth enamel needs to be removed than for crowns or porcelain veneers
- may mean fewer visits to the dentist—sometimes these veneers take just one visit
- cost less than porcelain veneers
- are easy to fix if they get damaged; although composite veneers are generally not as strong or wear-resistant as porcelain veneers, composite veneers can be repaired easily and quickly
Steps to place composite resin veneers:
- After the teeth are prepared or reshaped, the dentist carefully bonds and sculpts the composite material using a color that is best for you.
- A special light is used to harden the composite and bond it to your teeth.
- The veneers are smoothed and polished to look like natural teeth.
Before you get veneers
- Your teeth and gums must be healthybefore you get veneers. Your dentist can treat any disease or decay before your veneers are placed.
- Veneers are not always a good choice for patients who clench or grind their teeth, because the thin veneers may chip or break. If you clench or grind your teeth, your dentist may suggest you wear a plastic dental night guard while sleeping.
- Although your dentist removes as little tooth enamel as possible for veneers, the process cannot be undoneonce the enamel is removed.
- It is possible for veneers to come loose over time. In that case, new ones might be needed.
- As with all your dental care, discuss all your expectations and treatment options with your dentist. Regular dental visits are a must for keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
After you get veneers
- Veneers can chip or break under pressure. Avoid biting your fingernails and chewing on hard objects, such as pencils or ice.
- It may take you a few days to get used to the feel of your veneers. But do let your dentist know if your bite does not feel right after the veneer has been placed. He or she will correct it before you leave the office.
- Keep your teeth and gums clean by brushing and flossing each day. You can still get cavities under or around veneers.