In dentistry, maxillofacial surgery carries out surgical operations related to oral cavity, teeth, maxilla bone and facial tissues.
The main activities of maxillofacial surgery include implant surgery, tumor and cyst operations, implanted and complicated tooth extraction, maxilla fractures, orthodontic and endodontic surgical procedures, soft-hard tissue grafts, lower maxilla disease treatment and surgery.
The most common situation among maxillofacial surgery cases is the impacted 20-year-old operations.

Wisdom Teeth

Also known as a wisdom teeth, 3rd big molar teeth are the last teeth in the mouth. They usually lasts between 17-25 years of age. If there is not enough space in the maxilla, they can not take their positions in the mouth and remain impacted. The impacted tooth is a common occurrence today.

Should the wisdom teeth be extracted?

If your teeth are 20 years old and if they are completely in the position they should be, if there is no caries, gum disease, no need to be extracted.
Situations that could result from impacted 20-year-old teeth:
  • Infection in environmental tissues
  • Caries
  • Creating a tooth decay in the adjacent tooth
  • Encystation
  • Disturbing positions by pressing on other teeth
In such cases, it must be extracted. However, even if the wisdom teeth that are impacted or not in position do not give any symptoms, they should be evaluated by a qualified dentist and extracted if deemed necessary. It should be noted that the above situations may not always be symptomatic.
Wisdom Teeth Surgery
It is beneficial for the impacted wisdom teeth to be taken by an expert or an experienced dentist. Your first check-up doctor will make an assessment about your wisdom teeth’s condition with in-mouth examinations and imaging methods once you know about your general health condition. Wisdom teeth surgeries are usually performed under local anesthesia, but in some cases they can be done with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the preferences of the doctor and the patient. The operation is usually painless and comfortable.
Post- Wisdom Teeth Surgery
Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical operation and after surgery it is normal for a variety of pain and discomfort (mild pain, swelling, mild bleeding) to occur. It is very important that you follow the instructions that your doctor recommends to you in order to avoid them in the most trouble-free way, and use the medications prescribed by your doctor as recommended. In the event of excessive pain, excessive swelling, excessive bleeding (mouthfuls), discharge from the area or inflammation, it is a good idea to apply to your doctor without delay.